Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Red Quilt

I just have to share with you this story about a Red Quilt.

"The red quilt was made up of my years in Europe, each piece of the quilt a souvenir purchased in one of the places I had visited.

While traveling with the family whose children I cared for, I noticed that other people collect statues, trinkets or similar items to remind them of their travels.  I always found these things too gaudy and sometimes too bulky to carry with me in my on flight baggage allowance.

The pieces of fabric I picked up would not always come from your regular quilt shop but from markets and other unusual outlets, sometimes in the guise of a hankie or scarf, the most unusual was the back pocket of a pair of fabulous jeans.  I will admit I did get a lot of wear out of the jeans before I salvaged that pocket.

A red quilt was not what I initially had in mind either.  My favourite childhood colour red was still my obvious favourite as my samplings had been mostly that. It was then suggested to me by the very proper lady of the house, that I quilt them into a token of my time spent in Europe.

Now days, my children pull out the red quilt and ask where each piece of fabric is from, I am happy to say, I can almost remember all."

I just love this story. Whilst the Red Quilt shown above is not the quilt in question, it no doubt has  history attached to it as well.

Making a red quilt has always been on my "to do list". And here are a few I found for inspiration. Hope you like these amazing red quilts as well.

I think I will start my red quilt fabric collecting today.
Until next time, happy quilting
Warmly Lenna


caz said...

What a lovely quilt, so different from the normal cot quilts. I only wish I'd started quilting before my kids were born, guess I'll have to wait for grandkids.

Darlene said...

What a beautiful story Leena... just as a quilt should be - holding precious memories and love.

ps: Lovin' all those gorgeous redwork quilts... red is such a striking colour.

take care - have a gorgeous day filled with creative stitches & inspiration

Annie said...

Leena, I absolutely love your red quilt.

: )

dining room tables said...

I like the red quilt! Red is such a very nice color.

HOPE said...

I don't know what it is about RED QUILTS..but they are always my favorite..these are wonderful!

I too plan to one day make a RED.

Thank for sharing these inspirations!


mayolson said...

I love red quilts...well I love red!Your quilt is exceptional.Best regards

Kendra said...

I love this idea! I'm going to do this for our next vacation!

Maria said...

I am a novice at quilting. So when I look at this type of quilts I think they are beautiful and artistic.

I do love to quilt. Thanks for sharing them. The red is going to be your family heirloom. How beautiful.

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