Monday, June 7, 2010

Beginners Quilting, Patchwork and Sewing Course

Here's some exciting news for anyone looking for a beginners quilting and patchwork sewing course.

Stitching Cow has just released a brand new program that will take you through quilt making step by step, all from the comfort of your own home. The program includes working through 6 lessons based on a new project each lesson. These projects have been specifically designed to cover important skills and techniques for beginners through to more experienced quilt makers. 

And the exciting part is that each lesson includes video demonstrations of  techniques used in the projects. You will be able to watch over my shoulder as I demonstrate skills and I'll even share with you some of my favourite quilt making tips.

To help launch the program I am also giving away some incredible bonuses including a free one month trial to the program and a FREE DVD revealing the first 10 quilts I ever made and the lessons I learned along the way. This dvd is sure to make you laugh!

Although be quick because this offer may be limited. I might decide to pull it down anytime.

Click here now to find out more information about this beginners quilting and patchwork sewing course and the free dvd.

If you have been wanting to try your hand at quilt making, or to perhaps improve your quilt making skills, then this program is for you. 

The best way to learn is from working through projects at your own pace and by having a expert helping hand by your side.  After teaching quilting and patchwork via workshops for years I understand what it is like to be a beginner, and I also understand how overwhelming it can be. That's why I decided to put this state of the art program together, almost 12 months in the making it is now here for you to enjoy.

Click here for more information about how to take your sewing and quilt making to the next level and have heaps of fun along the way. 

Take the journey with me, you'll be amazed at what you will learn.
 Warmly Lenna.

PS Feel free to pass this offer on to your sewing and quilt making friends. They will thank you for the tip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Groetjes uit Holland

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