Sunday, February 12, 2012

Storage Tip for Quilting Fabrics

"Coordinate fabrics by designer, style, or manufacturer, then store the collections in baskets of different shapes and sizes. Baskets give you the flexibility you to keep various fabric bundles and shapes in one location. Label the baskets to take organization to the next level!" via

This is a great little tip. As a quilting fabric collector I totally understand that having a system to store and organize your fabric is a must. I like my fabric stash to be both inspiring to look at and functional. I like to be able to put my hand on the exact piece of fabric I need quickly and easily.So when I opened my fabric cupboard this weekend and had fabric spilling out at my feet I knew a refold and clean out was in order.

To be honest I find touching, refolding and arranging my fabric bundles a pleasant thing to do. Mind you I would only admit this to a chosen few like yourself, who I am sure share this same fetish.

My fabric bundles are organized into colourways or styles. Because I design with a lot of applique I also have plastic tubs labelled by colours. Although after taking this photo I have decided that some prettier labels are definitely needed.

Reorganizing my quilting fabric stash gets me in the right frame of mind for a new project. Everything is in its place, well at least for a day anyway!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Baskets wouldn't cut it for my stash, but I like your closet. If you had the subscribe by e-mail widget on your blogs, I would do that and never miss a post.

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