Satin stitch is a flat stitch which looks easy to work, but practice is needed for it to be sewn neatly. The stitches are worked very closely together and can be embroidered in any direction. For best results work satin stitch in an embroidery hoop or frame. This will enable the stitches to be worked evenly and prevent puckering.
To work satin stitch embroidery carry the thread across the shape to be filled, then return it underneath the fabric close to the point where it emerged. Work the stitches closely together so that they form an edge around the shape.
To work satin stitch embroidery carry the thread across the shape to be filled, then return it underneath the fabric close to the point where it emerged. Work the stitches closely together so that they form an edge around the shape.
Satin stitch can be of any length although longer stitches tend to become loose and untidy and are easily snagged. Therefore it is best to work larger shapes in rows of satin stitch.
Satin stitch can be embroidered in one movement as shown in the diagram, although I prefer to stab the stitch up and down. I find this gives me a better result. The other trick I can suggest, especially for beginners, is to work a back stitch around the outline of the shape first and then satin stitch the area to be filled. This gives the edge of the shape a sharp look and prevents any uneven stitches showing the fabric underneath.Try this technique if you have had trouble working this stitch in the past.
Satin stitch is a wonderful stitch for monogramming items. I have personalized a sewing pouch using tight rows of backstitch to fill the letters although this could easily be adapted and worked in satin stitch to give a similar effect. Click here to see this design. This pattern also includes a satin stitch alphabet.
Using different stitch lengths and blending different thread colours can add a whole new dimension to your satin stitch embroidery work.
It's worth practicing satin stitch and experimenting with its applications. It's a great stitch to have in your embroidery repertoire.
Click here to discover more information about how to embroider
Click here to discover more information about how to embroider
Happy stitching!
Thank you. I am doing some embroidery again time after many years of not picking up a needle at all and I am very much out of practice. This post was very helpful in bringing back memories.
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