Monday, March 15, 2010

Quilt Crazy

Recently a good friend of mine shared with me her recollection of a Quilt Crazy Night. It sounded so wonderul that I thought I would share it with you.

"Thursday night was the traditional Quilt crazy night.  As a stay at home mother with young children I sometimes felt like I would go mad if I could not get out of the house to enjoy some adult company.  The constant barrage of unwashed dishes and laundry to fold made it relatively easy to escape the house and get my true sanity check by attending the weekly quilting and patchwork night at my son’s community school.

There was about six of us who were regulars, we considered ourselves a little quilt crazy.    We would meet at school at 3pm and within half an hour we would be well on our way for a big night, the sewing machines and fabric would litter the student’s desks with ironing boards set up ready for use.   Some of us would immediately start the latest quilt or appliqué project while others would swap and admire each others newest fabric treasures.  As the afternoon changed to evening, fish and chips were there order for dinner and a bottle of wine for the ladies.

These nights would be a quilt maker’s heaven, by nine pm it would come to an end, we would all have weary children but in ourselves renewed vigour. This was and still is my secret of survival as an at home mother.  As simple as six women sharing each others great company, good wine and that essential quilt crazy persona."

I too admit that I often feel the need for a quilt crazy session, they are definitely good for the soul.Don't you agree?


SewDownunder said...

Looks like my dining table at the moment. Thank goodness we all have laps to balance dinner on!

Katrina said...

I love the idea of quilting friends! Also mums who quilt and drink wine at the same time and have sinks full of dishes and mounds of laundry being ignored while they do so!

StarQuilt said...

Meetings like that is a reel cure for everyone who love to quilt. Lots of energy after.

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