Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Crocheted Patchwork Blanket for Hubby

As the weather cools here in Tasmania, Australia my hands itch for a new project designed with wool. And this year Hubby has spoken out and requested a woolen blanket.

Those of use who have been reading my blog for a few years may remember the patchwork knitted blanket that my son's class put together. It was an attempt to teach kids the art of knitting and each student knitted a square. The squares were then joined together using an over locker (we had to get them all the same size!) and then we backed the blanket with some flannel. Some of the holes were then covered by embroidering a flower over the top which also quilted the two layers together.

Click here to see the blanket and to read the original article.

Whilst the patchwork blanket was in our home, every member of the family fell in love with it. On its return to the school there were protests from all, the loudest being from my son. This inspired me to knit a patchwork blanket for him which is now one of his prized possessions.

Trouble is Hubby is now feeling left out and I have found him, more than once, snuggling under Master 12's blanket and refusing to give it up. Needless to say this has caused problems when master 12 enters the room.
Here is my son's patchwork blanket

So again I find myself creating another patchwork blanket, although this time I have decided to crotchet it. Here is my square stash so far...yes I have a long way to go. I am hoping to crochet the squares together, that way the blanket can continue to grow each year. This year it may only cover Hubby's feet, perhaps next year his arms!

Despite the slow progress Hubby is happy, especially when I tell him I am putting love in each stitch just for him.

If you would like to make your own patchwork blanket check out these books I  I have included here for you.

Crocheted Throws and Wraps

Interweave Presents Crocheted Gifts: 
 Irresistible Projects to Make and Give

Felted Crochet ("Vogue Knitting" on the Go S.)

Hope you enjoy these crochet books and that you are inspired to make your own patchwork blanket for someone you love.
Until next time.
Warmly Lenna


ibcmeir said...

I can usually crochet a decent size blanket in 6 to 8 weeks, but I think like all knit and crochet folks, we have the the afghan projects that take year or two. I have three that I just need to put together, if I only had the time...

she had a heart with hesitant halting speech said...

I've also made a crochet blanket and have crocheted individual squares; do you know how to stitch the individual squares together to form a blanket?

Lenna Green of Stitching Cow said...

I am crocheting them together using a slip stitch, it create a ridge on the top which I like. Although another option would be to sew them together using a whip stitch.Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!, your Son's blanket is amazing!!. I love patch blankets!!. I'm knitting one at the moment (just put my knitting down to type this message :-) lol) but I wondered what you ment by you ut flannel at the back?, I'd like mine to be a bit thicker and wondered how this is done?, if anyone knows please email me

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