Sunday, June 19, 2011

Winner of the Free Block of the Month fabric kit

I am pleased to announce that Fiona of Rubz Rugz, a Queensland girl, has won the beautiful fabric/thread kit for my Faithful Friends free block of the month quilt pattern.

A big thank you to all those who entered the competition and helped spread the word, your efforts are very much appreciated.

I still have a few of the kits left, so if you are interested let me know via an email. I can be contacted by clicking on the profile section of this blog. I am happy to give a 20% discount to anyone listed in the comments section of the giveaway competition. 

Consider it a special thanks from me.
Warmly Lenna

1 comment:

SANDRA said...

Hi Lenna!
I Love your blog.
Everything is wonderful.
I looooove this bag.
Hugs and kisses from Brasil!

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