Sunday, July 31, 2011

The importance of an inspiration folder

If you enjoy making things, its a good idea to start an inspiration folder. This could be in the format of a scrapbook or a folder on your computer.

Often I discover inspiration in the most unlikely places, so I am always ready with my camera.
Especially now that I have one of these new beaut smart phones, and yes they are indeed smart!
Just last weekend while taking a walk with Hubby I came across these wonderful houses.
So straight into the file they went.
You never know, they may appear in one of my new designs in the future!

1 comment:

Bree at "Bree's Way" said...

I have inspiration files on my computer also, when ever I come across any art or craft I truly love or inspires me to do something creative I file it away, always have. I have an inspiration box for magazine cut outs also, sort of a wish list for the house also, when I see styles I like for wall finishes, or curtains, furniture arrangements, colors, bedding, carpets, little design elements, etc. just things that are my style. the box isn't big, just like the size of a big shoe box.

Glad I am not alone keeping "inspiration files" :)

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