Sunday, August 7, 2011

Name my little bear

I've just finished making this cute little bear  for an upcoming school fete. Isn't he adorable?
I bought the kit which included the pattern and all the materials from Spotlight. I hadn't crocheted for a while so I hoped that he would be easy to make, and to my relief he was.
There are more creatures in the series which are shown on the back of the kit. So the plan is to make a few and sell them at the craft stall. I have put my hand up to run the stall again this year, so I need to get busy making stuff. This little guy is just the start.
The kids and I have been trying to name him. Our favourite so far is Rupert or perhaps Edward. Trouble is, can I part with him once he has a name.
What do you think? What would be a good name for him and could you part with him?


Jo in TAS said...

I keep alot of my firsts, have trouble parting with them. I'd call him Uno for No. 1.

Linda said...

I would have a hard time parting with this cutey!! I would call him Fuzzy Wuzzy. Remember the rhyme? Fuzzy Wuzzy was a Bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy was he?
hahaha, it was the first name that popped in my head :)

CathieB said...

When we were small my brother had a bear named Raymond. Now we are in our 60's and I still name every teddy bear that crosses my path "Raymond" because it brings back happy memories of childhood!

crobinson9 said...

Personally, I think he has a lil European flair to him.
I think his name is Robear. Yeah, Robert' but French.


Susanne said...

Hej Lenna, are you sure that it is a boy, having a pink neckband. Now that you have made her on my daughters 18 years birthday I would surgest the same name as her: Sofie Amalie.
Hugs Susanne in Denamrk

Julierose said...

Love that little bear--I think the scarf makes him look French--how about Philippe? I couldn't part with him--lovely work....Julierose

Eileene said...

Well, since he is gonna be trouble in giving him away , what about "Trouble"? Eileene

Shebandowan said...

Cute bear! I think I would name him "Barney".


Anonymous said...

How about Humbeart? (Humbert) hehe What a cutie.

Nancy in IN said...

So cute. I think my grand would call him Barry Bear.

Stormy said...

HI,Please don't call it Edward!
Just call it Sam! He answers you can just call me Sam!!LOL

karenf said...

Oh he is adorable !!
I love the cute names ... Robear !!!!
I dont know to me he looks like Henry... Have no idea where it came from just popped up when I saw him !

JLJay said...

Hi are an awfully cure bear and as most of my "firsts" go to my grandchildren that makes it much easier to let go. However, you I would keep as company for Gran on her sewing table.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't part with him, if he were mine. I'd call him Muggsy because of his lighter nose area.

Patchwork Sisters said...

The first thing I thought of was Rosevelt. No idea why (maybe after the president). And if he were mine I would have to make him a twin. One for me and one for school.

Pat said...

He is adorable.Parting with him would be hard.I think little bear would be cute.

chris said...

he is sooo cute. i'd call him [just joe] as he reminds me of a little dog i had and that was his name.

Anonymous said...

I would call him Corneilus. I don't know why but the moment I saw him that is the name that came to me. And I wouldn't part with him he is too precious.

Have a nice day

LindyloufromOz! said...

What about Bertram Bear?

JaneT said...

What about swinger - you know he will swing from tree to tree out in the jungle. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ah He is too cute. How about Sebastian bear. It looks as if he should have a family and each bear could have a name from your blog. Perhaps next year you could ask members if they are interested in making bears to your fundraising store.
You are wonderful and inspirational. Thank you for your great site and for all the free patterns.
With love and light

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would call wee bear, Brendan, and no I could not give him away, but would be able to make little relatives to give to 'bery' special friends.

Anneke Potgieter said...

Cutie Pie, that's what my daughter named him.

jz said...

He's so cute. I would name him Earl....something about those big ears makes me think his name is Earl.

Hennie said...

Wat a lovely bear, Browni is the name for your litle bear.


Cindi said...

He would have to be my Hunny. And I'd have to make lots of brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles for him to go out into his kingdom and spread his cheer.

Bev C said...

He is a very handsome brown bear. He reminds me of Bobbie bear that my son had so I would name him Bobbie. Good luck with the craft stall.

Alta said...

What about Cuddles? He is such a gorgious bear, reminds me of my Brother, he lives in Melbourne now. Warm greetings form South Africa. Love Alta

Anonymous said...

Bob- he looks like a Bob to us.
Cuddles for Bob x

Kim said...

He looks so cute and cuddly like when you eat a brownie when you are down, so I would call him Brownie! He is brown too!

Kim W

Lorna May said...

I would name him Norm. He looks like a Norm and will be proud if you name him that.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a Poindexter

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