Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ideas for Valentines Day

 Graphic by Weheartit

Valentines day is fast approaching so I thought I would help out with some inspiration to get the creative juices flowing.

Why not get creative in the kitchen?

Breakfast could be...

 Graphic by Weheartit

Biscuits for morning tea...

 Graphic by Weheartit

Or surprise him with a healthy snack...

graphic by The Picky Apple

And how about making some cute Valentine labels? Here are some free printable tags that you can use. Thanks to Mommy by Day Crafter by Night. Click the link here for more information.

Does your valentine have a sweet tooth?

I have a heart shaped chocolate to place on my hubby's pillow, or here's a quick and easy idea with red M&Ms.

Or perhaps you would like to make something personal for a special friend.
Why not get your needle and thread out and whip up this cute little embroidered heart.

Valentines Day does not have to be expensive, get creative and send someone your message of love.
Feel free to add some more ideas via the comment section.
Happy Valentines Day
Warmly Lenna


yorkie's primitives said...

Thank you so much for sharing this idea. It is soooo sweet, Valerie

mamypatch said...

De bonnes idées.
Bonne journée

Paula said...

Thank you very much for sharing - great ideas.

Happy stitching


Hello dear ... thanks for the tips.
In Brazil we have Valentine's Day in the month of June, which is the 12th day of St. Anthony .... matchmaker.
A big hug.

moniann said...

sweet and simple, must try the eggs!

Anonymous said...

these are super cute. For equally creative and cheap date ideas. check this out!!

Hinterland Mama said...

This is so sweet! Will have to remember these ideas for next year... or My Man's birthday...

Love your blog. Just discovered you ♥

Wenni Donna said...

Good to know about these ideas of valentine’s day parties. Recently, I booked one of best LA venues for having a valentine’s day party with all my friends. Invited all of them and looking forward to have amazing time at this party.

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