Sunday, April 1, 2012

Stitching Cow at Quilters Easter Showcase Brighton TAS

It's always wonderful when a group of ladies come together with a common passion for sewing. There is always much talking, a bit of quilting, the sharing of ideas and of course much laughter. Brighton's Quilters Showcase Gathering last Saturday was such an occasion and I was very fortunate to be invited as a stall holder.

The day was organized by a very productive team of people with prizes being given throughout the day and an inspiring show and tell to conclude in the afternoon.
 Here's a few photos of the stall.

It was also wonderful to meet some of my mailing list members who have been sharing my sewing journey over the last few years. A big thank you must go to the committee for organizing such a special event, Janice and I look forward to being apart of it again next year.


Lida said...

Love your stall, see so many nice things! Wish I could visit yours onde day, but think it is a little bit far!

Sherry said...

Your stall looks wonderful, full of treasures. I love to attend events like this.

Knowledge of Asia said...
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