Or perhaps you have some batting offcuts that could be used for your next quilt project if only you knew how to join together the batting.
Here is the information that you need.
The good news is that joining together quilt batting is very easy. It can be done by hand or machine. If you choose to join by hand (my recommendation) you will need a large needle and a neutral coloured machine cotton. Simply secure the thread at the top of the two pieces to be joined and sew a ladder stitch. To work a ladder stitch weave the thread back and forth catching the batting on the raw edges. (refer to diagram below) The batting should not be overlapped. It should just come together as shown in the diagram.
You can also join the batting by using a walking foot. Select the largest setting you have for zig- zag stitch and sew the batting together. As for the hand technique - do not overlap the batting.

Hand Technique Machine technique

Hope this has solved your batting problems.
If not you can pick up a bargain on quilt fabrics and batting here
Happy quilting
just the information I needed. Thanks so much.
Thank you for this information
Thank you for this information
Now that I understand what's going on, it's so EASY! Thank you!
Thank you , I needed to know, I searched and you told me!
Thankyou so much. I thought I would have to buy extra wide batting but thanks to you I don't. (by the way, I love the patterns in your shop!)
Thank you for the batting info. I have done this before, but I needed to brush up on how. Have a super day!
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