"Native Americans represent several diverse cultures, each rich in symbolism that is represented in artwork ranging from woven Navajo rugs to intricate beading on leather.
As settlers and soldiers moved west they brought quilts with them. Native Americans were fascinated with these new bed coverings."http://www.womenfolk.com/historyofquilts/
As settlers and soldiers moved west they brought quilts with them. Native Americans were fascinated with these new bed coverings."http://www.womenfolk.com/historyofquilts/
Quilting was one of many crafting techniques that Native Americans borrowed from European traditions and adapted into something unique to their culture.
"To Indian people, the Morning Star Quilt represents the epitome of gift-giving. To give a Star Quilt is to show the utmost respect, honor, and admiration to a person. It is given and received by both men and women. Star Quilts are also gifted away after certain special ceremonies. Other times, the central focus of a celebration is a huge generous giveaway where many beautiful Star Quilts will be offered to guests. The mother of a brand new baby is always overjoyed to receive a Star Quilt for her child. Birthdays, graduations, and all other celebrations of Native American life involve the gifting of a Star Quilt."http://www.native-american-star-quilts.com/Introduction.htm
Morning Star quilts are made with an eight-pointed star that fills most of the quilt top. Numerous small diamonds are skillfully pieced together to create these stars. Native American women from the Great Lakes regions added floral motifs from their own traditions. These appliquéd flowers were placed between the points of the stars.
If you would like to try your hand at some of these amazing designs click on the link for a book on '>Native Sampler American Quilt Blocks'>. Be quick there are only a few in stock.
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