Thursday, July 12, 2007

Quilting bom projects to enjoy

"What are bom projects?" I hear you say. BOM stands for block of the month and it refers to quilt patterns that are broken down into more manageable blocks or rows to work on each month. The complete pattern is usually made up of a series of 12 patterns, although it can be more or less. The pattern is sold as a complete set or is packaged together with the fabrics needed for each pattern.

Working through a quilting bom project has lots of advantages. It's a wonderful way to tackle more complicated quilting projects. The pattern is simplified by progressing one block at a time. This means that sewing more challenging quilts becomes a breeze.

Block of the month projects are also great for learning different techniques.Some are designed to give you experience with a new technique or piecing method each block.

The exciting news is that there are two new quilting bom projects currently featured on the Stitching Cow website. Hours of enjoyment could be yours. Take a sneak preview here.

Until next time happy quilting!

Warmly Lenna

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